Ratchet ja Clank
In the animated movie Ratchet & Clank, the story of two unlikely heroes and their struggle to stop the horrible alien President Drek from destroying all planets in the Solana galaxy. The ratchet is the last of its kind, a foolish "Lombax" who grew up alone on a deserted planet. Clank is a minirobot with more brain than muscles. When they encounter a dangerous weapon that can destroy entire planets, they must merge with the galaxy guard, a bunch of colorful heroes, to save the galaxy. Along the way, they learn about heroism, friendship and the importance of discovering their own identity. The movie is dubbed in Swedish.
Vi talar svenska.
The film is not playable outside of Finland
Category: | Feature film |
Genre: | Animation, family, children, adventure |
Director: | Bruno Lähteenmäki |
Voices: | Arttu Ala-Jokimäki, Arto Nieminen, Sasu Moilanen |
Rights owner: | Scanbox |
Country: | Canada |
Language: | Swedish, Finnish |